In the early stages of dementia, 24/7 care is usually unnecessary. A client with mild cognitive impairment, for example, may only need a prompt to remember what they had for breakfast, discreet help for incontinence, or assistance managing social situations. During this initial period, Personal Assistant is the appropriate level of care.
At this level, our Memory Care Professionals perform the duties of a personal assistant. Every MCP has direct professional experience in private homes in addition to their dementia care training. We match their individual strengths to our clients’ needs and preferences.
Personal Assistant duties can include:
If the Personal Assistant level of service sounds right to you, read about our client Bill. Bill is a successful businessman and philanthropist who needed a little help to keep living life independently. We matched Bill with a driver who initially helped manage his social calendar and appointments. When Bill’s needs increased, we were ready with care that matched. “Driver” evolved into the team of Memory Care Professionals Bill now depends on around-the-clock.